
Ribbontail stingray

Taeniura lymma

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Ribbontail stingray

Taeniura lymma

Link to description on WikipediA

Alternative names

Blue spotted lagoon ray, Blue spotted stingray, Blue-spotted fantail ray, Blue-spotted lagoon ray, Blue-spotted ray, Blue-spotted ribbontail ray, Blue-spotted stingray, Bluespotted fantail ray, Bluespotted ribbontail ray , Bluespotted ribbontail whipray, Bluespotted ribbontailray, Bluespotted stingray, Fantail ray, Lagoon ray, Lesser fan-tailed ray, Lesser fantail ray, Reef ray, Ribbon-ray fish, Ribbon-tailed stingray, Ribbontail ray, Ribbontail stingray.


Rays, Stingrays