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The Dotted Nudibranch is a shell-less mollusk. The entire body is covered with tiny white bristles on the skin, giving the animal a fuzzy appearance. The black circular markings are shaped from raised black bristles. The markings of the juveniles look more like black spots. On the head are two black-tipped horns. On the back are black edged feather-like gills. It can grow up to 5 cm in length. The animal lays its eggs in a gelatinous spiral. This is known as an ‘egg ribbon’ and it contains thousands of tiny eggs. It may lay a number of egg ribbons during breeding season. Take a good look around when you see blue sponges. This is the main food of the Dotted Nudibranch and usually they are in the vicinity of it. This also applies to their egg ribbons.
Polka-dot sea slug, Ringed dorid, Funeral Nudibranch.